Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club Best Practice
Lucan Sarsfields player welfare Policy 2024_2.docx
Policies & Guidelines for Adult Team Managers.doc
Code Committees
The following document was ratified by the Executive Committee on 12 April 2023, detailing the role of Director of Code and the Code Committees
Director of Code Role Profile Apr 2023.pdf
Complaints Policy
Complaints and Grievances Policy.docx
Team Mentor List
The Team Mentor List can be completed online by clicking here, (opens in a new browser window)
The lead mentor/manager of each team (Adult and Juvenile) must complete this at the start of each year, and, whenever there are changes made to personnel during the year.
Juvenile Games Meeting
The Juvenile Games meeting is held every second Thursday and a representative from every Juvenile team should attend.
For further details or to confirm the date of the next meeting, please contact
Child Protection
Garda Vetting - Effective 04 April 2022 - Changes to Vetting, applicable to all codes
If you are a new mentor on a team then you must complete a Garda Vetting if you were previously vetted by another sport unfortunately this is not transferrable and a new vetting application should be completed. It is now an offence to work with any child up to age of 18 without Garda Vetting, once obtained, it lasts for 3 years.
Vetting is now completed via Foireann. All details are available here - Vetting (
N.B parental consent form needs to be completed for juveniles wishing to be vetted from the ages 16 - 18 - all juveniles working with teams or summer camps need to be vetted any questions contact Lorna Sexton, email
You should also request a slot on the next available running of the Safeguarding1 course (see below).
This is now a legal requirement for all adults working with juveniles in sport.
A person must be in receipt of a vetting acceptance letter before the person can commence their role. You should provide the clubs Child Protection Officer with a copy of that letter ASAP.
The Safeguarding 1 is a course you should have completed if you are involved in the coaching or mentoring of underage players, but as a refresher the core document should be downloaded, printed and kept with your team documentation.
Missing or found Children at Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club, lost or missing children are to be accompanied to the 12th Lock Cafe which is located beside the all-weather pitch.
Code Of Behaviour (Underage)
The Code Of Behaviour (Underage) is available to download by here - Code of Behaviour
Club Statement on Anti-Bullying - AntiBullying.pdf
Social Media Policy and Guidelines
All club members, parents, players and mentors should be aware of social media guidelines as they apply to all members of the Gaelic Games Associations. Social Media Policy.pdf
22 February 2021, The GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association have issued a revised guide of online coaching of children and young persons (U18), replacing all previously issued publications.
Guidance for Online Coaching of Children.pdf
Running Your Team
Every team should have a completed medical consent form for each player on their team. These forms may be necessary of a player is injured and a parent/guardian is not available in person.
The Medical Consent Form is available to download by clicking here.
Team equipment can be ordered by completing the form below.
The form should be brought to the Games meeting for signing.
Do not order equipment yourself and attempt to claim refunds through team expenses as this cannot be facilitated.
This form should also be used for first aid supplies and present at next games meeting for the attention of Frank Flemming.
Team equipment Order form is available Team equipment order form_rev oct 2016.docx
Expenses are often incurred by team mentors in running a team.
Claims for refunds of team expenses must be signed off by the Adult / Juvenile games secretary or chairperson before being submitted to the treasurer
Expenses policy document LS Expenses policy Oct 2023.pdf
The Expenses Claim Form is available to download by clicking Expenses Claim Form 2015 June 1.docx.
As a mentor you may be involved in fundraising activities within the club. To help and guide you the club has an active policy on "Handling of Funds from Lucan Sarsfields Fundraisers".
The Policy is available to download by clicking here.
The Away Trip Checklist is available for download by clicking here.
Many teams will arrange away trips requiring long journey's or overnight trips.
To help mentors in such cases the club provides a checklist.
Additional coaching resources are available here.
Hurling & Football - Joe Whyte (
Camogie - Frank Fleming ( )
Ladies Football - Triona Leonard ( )
Camogie Injury Claims 2024.docx
Camogie Personal Injury Claim Form.pdf
Player Injury Details form.docx
Revised 24/01/2025, PRO